Lizzie Lawton
Lizzie, or Zee, is a 17 year old A Level student studying History, English, and Performing Arts and came out to her family and friends just a few months before taking part in this project. She has a natural confidence for performing and plays a number of instruments including cello and ukulele.
What does your identity mean to you?
I spent a long time in my teens trying to convince people I was bi. I was closeted to everyone but 6 close friends, and the internalised homophobia I was dealing with made me cling to the possibility of being “normal” – such a horrible word to use.
During the national UK Lockdown (March 2020), I finally started using lesbian/gay as an identifier, and my expression, pride, and general mental health has been better for it. I also came out to my parents and wider family/friend community in June. My identity means so much to me as it has given me confidence in myself, something I lacked until I accepted it.