The IDENTITY Project

Author/Educator/Advocate, London, UK

Shaun Dellenty

What does your identity mean to you?

As a gay teenager my identity was (as a result of political, social, religious and familial prejudice) something to hide, repress and conceal.

On moving to London I fully immersed myself within the gay scene/bear sub culture before a more balanced, holistic version of myself emerged as a result of meditation and feeling fully accepted for the first time as a man who is mainly attracted to other men.

I now identity simply as ‘Shaun’ a person I hope who is grounded, strong but compassionate and for whom being gay is one joyful aspect.

Meditation enables me to sense beyond the limiting labels we place upon ourselves others. Yes I am this person now but who I will be in the future as I continue my life journey and encounter more of the rich and natural diversity of human life on Earth?

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