The IDENTITY Project

Kathy Caton, Brighton, UK

Kathy Caton mbe

The creator of Brighton Gin, Kathy is also a broadcaster with a particular interest in and focus on the arts, community and culture, and all things LGBTQ.

What does your identity mean to you?

My identity has been a hard one to embrace – I had the misfortune of being educated during Section 28 days, and that and the lack of role models and identifiable people to aspire to, plus probably some fear-motivated internalised homophobia, meant it took me a long time to properly say “this is me”.

I’ve taken an active role in Brighton’s LGBTQ+ community for many years, including hosting Out In Brighton for many years. Hosting that show let me meet so many people from across the LGBT spectrum – many interviewees have become friends over the years. I was very proud to be the project manager for Brighton Trans*formed, be the Women’s Officer for BBC Pride for many years and now on my weekly BBC show get as many queer stories and contributors on air as I can manage!

I firmly believe that we cannot be what we cannot see, and I also firmly believe that we shouldn’t pull the ladder up behind us – the L and the G need to show solidarity and stand with the B, and particularly with our trans and non-binary siblings at this crucial time in the fight for rights and change.

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